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Internet Explorer pre-7 versions

I have made the decision not to support any version of Internet Explorer prior to IE7 because of the extremely poor support for CSS etc., therefore all future upgrades of this website will be constructed with Firefox in mind as the browser of choice. The problems that these older versions of IE bring with them are just too many and varied for me to spend the time and effort searching for, or working out, hacks and workarounds to make this site compatible with them. Building and maintaining a website, even a small one like this, is time consuming enough without having the stress that one gets from having to cope with the inadequacies that Microsoft seem to glory in building into their products.

My advice to anyone would be to switch to Firefox ASAP, it is a far superior browser in every way; simply click on the image to the left or any of the links here to get it. Every person who switches to Firefox will have the satisfaction of knowing that they are making life infinitely easier for every Webmaster that is fed up with having to pander to the foibles of Internet Explorer.

Website designed and maintained by Alf Thomas - all content © Alf's Art 2003-2008